Die Würzburger Versorgungs- und Verkehrs-GmbH (WVV) visualisiert mit einem detaillierten Big Picture ihre vielfältigen Leistungen in den Bereichen Energie, Wasser, Mobilität, Umwelt und Freizeit. Dieses Schaubild unterstreicht das Engagement der WVV für die Region Würzburg und dient als zentrales Element in Präsentationen und Kundenkommunikation.
Together with Big Pictury, Stadtwerke München (SWM) has developed a Big Picture that visualizes its vision for the future in 2050. This strategic image supports internal communication and makes the company’s long-term goals clear to employees.
Big Pictures make complex topics tangible and support change processes through clear visualizations. Discover how visual communication can make transformation understandable and interactive.
Energieversorgung Oberhausen AG (EVO) has developed a big picture that visualizes its new corporate vision and seven top strategic goals. This diagram illustrates the close connection between EVO and the city of Oberhausen and underlines the company’s role in the sustainable development of the region.
When field technicians want to display the result of a strategy process on their vehicles, it is at least unusual. Usually, workshops between management and consulting teams deliver extensive presentations or complicated organizational charts that don’t mean much to the man on the street or in the company. This is hardly surprising, because in an increasingly complex market environment, the tasks, structures and processes of even smaller utility companies are becoming more and more diverse and complex.
GSW Gemeinschaftsstadtwerke GmbH, which operates in Kamen, Bönen and Bergkamen, uses a Big Picture to visualize its many public services and its commitment to the region. This visual concept strengthens the trust of the citizens and promotes understanding for the services provided by GSW.
Stadtwerke Wertheim GmbH offers its customers a complete service package for electricity, natural gas, drinking water and heat across a supply area of over 190 square kilometers. What’s more, with its comprehensive commitment to the environment and local people, the company makes it clear that it provides “Local energy!”. This message – the core positioning of the company – and the many sub-areas of the company in a big picture – that was our task. And we solved it.