Surely you know that DÄNISCHES BETTENLAGER changed its name to JYSK some time ago. But did you know that the company was originally founded in 1979 under the name JYSK? Today, JSYK is one of the largest trading companies in the world in the field of sleep & living. And the company is convinced that it owes this success above all to its employees! For this reason, JSYK does a lot for its employees – and is now showing them this with a Big Picture!

JYSK is an international retail chain selling “everything for the home”. The founder, Lars Larsen, opened his first shop in Aarhus, Denmark, in 1979. Many more shops were quickly added in Denmark. In 1984, the first branch abroad – in Germany – was opened. Today, there are more than 960 JYSK stores in Germany alone, where more than 7,500 employees are there for the customers. Worldwide, JYSK Group operates more than 3,300 shops in 48 countries with more than 30,000 employees. The Lars Larsen Group’s annual turnover in the financial year 2022/23 was 38.5 billion Danish kroner (5.5 billion euros).
JYSK cares a lot about its employees. Therefore, the company regularly collects feedback from its staff in employee surveys. Topics such as “working conditions”, “work content” or “learning & development” are asked. JYSK takes the valuable feedback from these surveys very seriously and implements them – where necessary – as quickly as possible. In the past, this included open communication of career opportunities across all positions. This means that all employees have the opportunity to actively influence and shape their career not only vertically, but also horizontally. The direct networking of the central departments with retail is also part of these changes. This allows the departments to work and cooperate more closely with Retail. JYSK approached BIG PICTURY with the wish to present the improvements already achieved and the goals still to be achieved to the German colleagues in an attractive and easy-to-understand big picture. And the company got what it wanted.
SCOPE OF SERVICES: Creation of a Big Picture (for use as a poster)
BUDGET: four-digit range
In just six weeks, Big Pictury created a unique big picture for JYSK. This not only summarises the improvements and goals achieved so far by JYSK in Germany in a visually easy-to-understand way. Under the title “Strong teams, great engagement!” it also serves as a “thank you” for the commitment of the employees, without whose feedback in the employee surveys these improvements would not have been possible. The Big Picture is produced as a poster and distributed throughout Germany, where they are hung up in staff lounges and discussed in meetings.

“The Big Picture allows us to always look at the successes we have achieved with our colleagues together.”
We even went into the second round for JYSK Switzerland
As the Big Picture was such a great success with our German colleagues, JYSK Switzerland wanted its own version. However, the deadline for the employee survey was coming up very soon, so the creatives at Big Pictury had to really step on the gas. Together with the team from JYSK Switzerland, we customised the existing Big Picture. Within two weeks, the finished Big Picture was displayed in the 72 Swiss branches as an A2 poster in three languages. The result? The participation rate in the employee survey rose from 89 per cent to 98 per cent.