About the company
The “Berufsbildungswerk der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (BWV) e.V.” is the central vocational training association for the insurance industry in Germany. The association promotes the development of a permeable education system and supports the industry by organizing teams of experts in areas such as e-learning and educational technologies.
The association represents the interests of the industry vis-à-vis education policy decision-makers, shapes a permeable education system and strengthens examination quality. It also acts as an information hub for education and training. Its members are numerous insurance companies and the board is made up of leading representatives from the industry. The BWV promotes knowledge transfer and the digitalization of learning with its “Learning Systems and Educational Technologies” (LuB) team of experts. The concept for the Big Picture “Roles in digital learning in the insurance industry” was developed as part of this team.
The task
The expert team Learning Systems and Educational Technologies (LuB) of the BWV Bildungsverband had developed a text-based concept on task areas and roles in e-learning. In order to present the content in a clearer and more appealing way and to facilitate further dissemination, it was decided to visualize it with a Big Picture.

The implementation
It quickly became clear that the form of a Big Picture was ideal for presenting the roles. In addition to the graphic visualization of each role, the specific activities and required skills were also shown and arranged in a possible sequence for the process. A particular highlight was the individual AI barometer, which shows for each role how it will change and expand through the use of artificial intelligence, according to the LuB team of experts.
The big picture was prepared both for digital use and for print. It was presented in a forum at the annual education congress of the insurance industry (BIKO) and discussed with industry representatives. The next step is to communicate the Big Picture to the industry via the BWV’s online channels. The collaboration with Big Pictury was uncomplicated, professional and transparent throughout.
CLIENT: Berufsbildungswerk der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (BWV) e.V.
SCOPE OF SERVICES Big Picture in multiple file formats for online and print
BUDGET: Four-digit range

“The Big Picture creates a valuable basis for discussions and guidance on the design of e-learning in the insurance industry and underlines the importance of artificial intelligence in this context.”